Sunday, September 23, 2012

Knox Duathlon

Today I raced out at Knoxfield at the Knox Duathlon put on by KnoxTri Club.

As I said in my previous blog my Mojo had taken a little break, today was both a mentoring as well as getting my game face on for Noosa. Friend of mine is interested in Mutli-Sport events. Good spot to start is a Duathlon, so we both signed up in the mini. Well 5 months off mutli-sport events, so yesterday I unpack the Transition Bag, my Tri-suit and found my race belt.

So the alarm went off at 5am this morning out of bed, breakfast, shower, etc. then I started my normal race day program, stretching, foam rollering, etc. On with the Trisuit and a t-shirt in the Tri Alliance colors. As far as I knew I was the only TA person racing. Loaded the car up and headed off to pick up Ellie and then had out to Knox. We arrived early but there were a heap of people ready to race. Ellie and I were talking about how to jump on/off the bike Tri style. As we were earlier the car park was quite I show her how, but suggested this being her first race not to try the Tri style mount/dismount until she had did some practice. We grabbed our gear and headed off to registration, after picking up race number, timing belt, etc we headed for transition. As we are entering in transition I saw Sheridan, another TA member, who was doing her Technical Officer roll today. We headed into transition found a nice sport to setup our bikes and gear.

Once everything was right we headed to race start, listened to the briefing, then a little light run. Time to turn on Mr Garmin to Mutli-Sport mode and race. The horn sounded and off we went for a little 2km race, now I was racing with 2 blisters on my heals from some new shoes. I did have bandaids on but still sore as, the run was good, not too much pain, the first run felt hard but the times showed it was sub 5kms. I was happy with that, enter into transition off with the shoes on with the helmet, graded the bike and headed out. Run over the mount line, did the Tri Style mount and off I went, nice fast pace. The Knox bike course has lots of turns but did manage a good speed, came back to the mount/dismount line off I got and run back into transition re-racked the bike off with the helmet on with the run shoes and off we went for the last run. 

The run was not quick as the first run but still good I finished the 1st and only duathlon of the year in 36m 39s.

Over all happy with the race.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Wikipedia states Mojo is magical charm bag used in hoodoo, which has transmuted into a slang word for self-confidence, self-esteem or sex appeal.

Well my Mojo has been on holidays for some time now, but it’s back and it’s feeling refreshed and relaxed.

Where did it go ? Well after doing the Half Marathon in July  I took it easy to allow the body to recover and I think it also took a longer rest than my body needed. Don’t get me wrong a Half Marathon is not easy it’s hard lots of training on the race does take it out of you too. This certain showed in the 10km Sandy Half event in August, while the time was ok four training runs certainly was not enough. I have been training, swimming, riding, gym and little running certainly feeling strong. On one recent training ride in Kew my back felt a little funny so I went for an alignment check with Dian Parry at Hampton St Osteo. Good news my alignment is 100% ok but my left QL is tight which is related to not enough movement in mid back. I was little concerned about Noosa and if I could complete the event, but Dian said that with some new exercises it shouldn’t be an issue. Well two weeks on my back feels good and my Mojo is back from holidays.

Noosa has been paid for, new bike is coming this week, I’ve signed up for a Duathlon this weekend and Noosa is back on track. Life is good.

Have you ever lost your Mojo?

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Team Meeting

There is always something special about Team Meetings. To me it great to catch up with people and the coaches outside the normal training circles. They are also a dangerous place as they always seem to have special offers on new stuff.
Tuesday night was no exception Ollie and Sarah in the last few days before packing up and heading over to Vegas and then to Kona for World Championship and then the big one for Ollie Kona! Ollie works very hard behind the scenes to bring us the members some great stuff.
He had the new Giant 2013 bike range on display and some great deals. Needless to say some of us purchased new bikes.

Trinity 2013 TT Bike at Tri Alliance Meeting

Direction from Giant's Website

Anyone want a Fuji Aloha 2.0 ’09 – low Km’s one season of racing.

I want to thank Ollie, Tri Alliance, Giant Bikes and Bicycles Inc for putting this deal together.

In other news I’ve started my build for Noosa along with signing up for the Hazelwood Triathlon at the end of September as a lead up race to Noosa.