Sunday, July 21, 2013

Run Melbourne 2013 Race Report

I raced Run Melbourne 2013 today it was the 2nd time that I completed a Half Marathon, but 1 week ago I feared that I would not be on the start line. Last Sunday during my last long run my left calf started to tighten up. It felt like compartment syndrome I had one of those horrable feelings that I just blow weeks of training as well as the race.

I spent time looking up compartment syndrome and what I could do. I started wearing Calf Guards around the clock. On Tuesday it felt a little less tight but still not right. After txting my Myotherapist and made an appointment, Kimbo run some moveablity tests followed by a massage and dry needling. The next morning it still felt tight but a little looser, by late that today just like turned off a light the calf suddenly felt loose. I was meent to do 2 final runs before the half but I canceled these and just kept on foam rollering and stretching while contuining to wear the calf guard.

Thursday after doing my gym program I spent 5 mins on the treadmill with 90 second run. The Calf did not feel sore at all, I called this a win.

Saturday I did a light 2 minute walk on the treadmill followed by a stretching and foam roller. After dinner I posted the following on Facebook and went to bed "Training is done, taper time is over, training program has been followed, carbo loading is on board, time for bed and bring on race day" I woke about 4am this morning unable to sleep I checked out the weather it was cold but light winds and no rain perfect weather for a run. After breakfast and a shower then changing I left the house and headed over to Ellie house and picked her up. Due to sickness and injury Ellie was not racing but standing on the side lines supporting me.

We got to Southgate parked headed up to the startline, this year it was a new course which I was excited about. With around 20mins before race start I did a warm up run and caught up with a few TA crew before the race started. I felt strong heading towards the city then down past Flinders Street Station, my plan was to let all those who wanted to run fast go and stick to 5:15 pace and if my calf started to play up, back off or pull out. After turning onto Southbank running past all the shops I saw 2 of the TA crew (Lisa and Paddy) out supporting. As we run past the rowing clubs along the Yarra people seem to be everywhere, the biggest problem I find is the traffic, people traffic, everyone seems to run in the way of others. We headed up towards St Kilda and then down to the Shrine down to Toorak Road then up to Tan and Anderson Hill and along the Tan towards Swan St Bridge and back up towards Morell Bridge and across the Yarra.

At the Startline

Ready to Race
We then headed down along Yarra and under the Swan St Bridge and up Batman Avenue towards the city before the turn around and the half way point the leader of the race passed me on his way to the finish line. We headed back down towards Tennis Centre, up over the foot bridge towards the MCG. After heading up past Jolleymount it was back to Flinders St and down to St Kilda Road. As I passed Federation Square I saw Ellie, Paddy and Tim and further 100m I saw Steve then onto Lap 2. Same course, my legs felt good but my tummy was not the best regardless I pushed on the best I could. Crossing the Morell Bridge I could feel my calf tighting but not too bad like the Sunday before. I crossed under the Swan St Bridge and headed up Batman Avenue towards the turn into the finish line. With the finish line in sight I pushed as hard as I could over the line. While it was not a PB I'm still happy with the result all things considered. After crossing the line getting some water and a bag I found Ellie, Tim and Steve had a photo taken then Ellie and I headed off for coffee.

1st Lap Done

Ellie and I at the finish line