Challenge has been 12 months in the making. Standing around
either watching or being a Technical Official with a broken toe I needed a long
term goal. Challenge Melbourne was it, I registered and typically forgot about.
After running Run Melbourne and having
some 4-5 weeks away from sports with cold and running a Half Marathon with it,
maybe not the best idea. I then suffered some Professional and Personal
Challenges. These took a total on my training and racing but I still went on. I
raced Sri Chinmoy and went to do Sandy Half and fell sick the Thursday before
the race. So I signed up for my 4th Half the Mornington Half
Marathon. While my race times where not great these were great build races.
Something was not right, I loved the sports, but I couldn’t be stuffed.
After seeing a post on Facebook from a good Friend, Helen, I
sent her an email and Helen followed it up phone call. We had a few long chats
and got my mind and direction sorted. During this time our Club put a link
about Sport and the Mental awareness hosted by Lakeside Sports Medicine. I went
a long and it gave me a bit direction
and backed up what Helen and I worked on.
I was very disconnected from the squad doing my own thing. I
would cross paths with some members of the squad, but I busy being a quite
achiever and feeling good about me doing my thing.
I went down to Hazelwood and did the Sprint I got 3rd
in my Age Group, I went to Noosa took 6mins 30secs off last year. Things were
looking good, after Noosa start the build for Challenge the work load is high,
very high. I showed up for my first Long Course (LC) ride, one of the coaches
said, short course is at Elwood today this is Long Course. My response yeap
know that. A Team, Dave said to me, “Simon have you grown a set of balls”. Yes
was my response and this draw a few comments of good stuff, etc.
I signed up for a few open water swims, and then there was
Hell Week. I kept pace with the fast crew, but got dropped. My run speed
finally came back, my swim was quick. I was feeling very happy with myself after
racing Gatorade Tri in January I knew everything was on track.
Shit got real when the race pack arrived in the Post, but I
was in taper town. Saturday morning before the event it was a little windy the
group did a ride to Black Rock and back followed by a little run and ice the
legs. I went home changed and came back to collect my Cap and T-Shirt and walk
through transition to find my home.
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Race Pack |
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Transition |
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My Rack Space |
Saturday afternoon after preparing the bike I stayed at home,
drank heaps of water and rested. I started to think should I swap my front race
wheel for the factory wheel. I didn’t sleep much Saturday night, I woke up
around 4am and checked out the iPad and before getting up and getting ready.
When I got to the venue it was busy and windy. Normally I rack my bike by the
seat, not today the wind was blowing bikes around everywhere. I setup my area
and went to the team tent. I could feel the pre race nerves and I went for a
walk to the Public Toilets, I knew the queues would be smaller than the
Potaloos. I could see the bay was a washing machine the swim was not going to
be easy. I went back to the team tent got started to get ready.
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Race Bike Ready to Race |
When I got down to the swim start I went into the bay to
test the conditions. It would be tough going out, on the 2 outward legs of the
M shaped course, but the push back to the beach would be good. When I got out
to listen to the race briefing the wind was not cold. Few teams came down to
wish us luck.
When called up I made my way into the starters gate. The
horn sounded and off we went, the waves where full on it seem to take forever
to reach the first turning buoy and then coming in was very fast. I was passing
other people in the waves who were not coping well in the swell. After coming
back in I head to head out for the 2nd half of the swim. Out at the
deep water turning buoys I could feel it raining on back of my head. On well
I’m in the water anyway was my thought. After turning and heading into the
beach I used the waves as a bit of rest bite. I came out of the swim feeling
beaten up, but relaxed, I run into transition got my wettie off and placed it
over my shoes to keep the water out. I know it sounds strange a wet wetsuit
over your shoes to keep it dry, but the wetsuit is inside out and it will keep
them dryer if it rains. After the event we heard that Elwood Life Saving Club
rescued some 68 or 92 from the water (reports differ on the number) and there
were some 40+ who elected not swim, but had to wait for last person in the wave
before they continued on.
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Swim Start |
After getting my helmet and sunglasses on I grabbed my bike
and ran out to the mount line. I got on my bike peddled a bit and then sorted
out my feet and shoes. I used the first half lap to work out where the wind was
blowing and where I could push, where to be in aero and where not. About half
way through the first 15kms the rain started. On my way back from Mordy was the
quickest 15km segment over all. After the first 30kms it was sub 1hr. I thought
to myself I can’t keep this pace up for the rest of the bike leg. After the 2nd
Lap I was sub 2 hours. The rain clear up and on my final 15km back from Mordy
the sun came out. I was busting for a pee and stopped at a toilet. When I went
to get back on my bike I couldn’t click in correctly. My cleats was full of
mud. I had to stop and stamp my foot down a few times to clear the mud. I got
going again I was clipped in correctly and I pushed home. I dismount and ran my
bike back into Transition, rack it and took my helmet off. Took the wetsuit off
my shoes on with socks and shoes and headed out.
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On the bike in the wet |
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At the turn around in the wet |
21km to go, I felt pretty good, but didn’t want to overdo
it. I need to pee again and at the first
aid station was Hampton Life Saving Club with Public Toilets but both where in
use and there was queue. I kept on going, as we moved from the beach to the tee
tree a few male competitors where in the bush peeing. I joined them, problem
solved. We headed along the beach path and down to the bottom of Jetty
Road and a little loop before heading
back up Jetty Road to the bike path. Them some 2.5km back to finish area before
doing another loop. The second loop was uneventful, but I could feel my felt
hamstring and glute tightening up. On the final lap around 2km from home coach
Greg passed me and asked what lap I was on. When I said 3 he said hang on my
tail and don’t drop off. About 500m in Greg said looks like we might collect another 2. As we
passed Mark and Rowdy Greg said hang on! They did, Greg said right here is the
last aid station we will stop quickly grab a drink and run home. I did what I
was told, but Mark and Rowdy dropped off. Greg kept me going until about 500m
when he said he was going to bolt home keep going and sprint up the little hill
and into the finish line. I tried, but I didn’t have much left. I crossed the line, stopped the Garmin, got my
finishers medal and towel. I took off my race time belt and handed it in. Greg
was there I shook his hand and thanked him. We waited for Rowdy and Mark and
then headed into the finishing area for some food and fluids.
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On the run, getting hit with the surf on the breakwater |
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At the finish line |
Took me a little time to process what I just had done. My
First Half Ironman Distance, something I thought I would never do in my life. I
went back to the team tent feel pretty good, I bumped into Ollie who ask how I
went and I told him I got the job done.
There was a fair crew in the team tent and we got chatting, Roofie made
the comment it’s the only race he was done with a 86.6% chance of drowning on
the Swim, Bike or the run. He was right
but still I got it done.
There was so many people who I know from the Club and from
Triathlon in general not only where the
conditions bad for those that race, but for those supporting. I thank you all
for your support not only on the journey but on the course as well.
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Mission Accomplished |
My final time was 5 Hours 48 Mins and 35 Secs
Swim 34m
T1 4m
Bike 2hrs
55mins 40sec
15km Splits 29m
30km Split 27m
45km Split 28m
60km Split 29m
75km Split 29m
90km Split 31m
T2 3min
Run 2hrs
11mins 11s
3.5km Split 20m 13s
7..0km Split 21m 53s
10.5km Split 20m
14.0km Split 23m
17.5km Split 22m
21.0km Split 22m
So far my recovery has been pretty good, post race massage
and taking it easy, lot less volume. Will I do another Half, yeap you bet.
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Back next year |