Saturday, June 30, 2012

Triathlon Level 1 Coaching, Run Melbourne and Noosa

Last weekend saw me join some 20 others at South Yarra SportCentre at Melbourne High School in South Yarra for Triathlon Level 1 Coaching; we had a 2 day program lead by Ryan Mannix along with 6 guest presenters from Swimming, Run, Bike, Planning and Core.  The group of soon to be Coaches were from all over Victoria some came down from Shepparton and one all the Echuca. I must say the two days were well structured and full of information. I felt Ryan was a good mix of teacher, mentor, athlete and coach. The group seem to really enjoy the class room and practical stuff, nothing more boring that sitting on your ass for two days being told what to do if you can’t practice it. I always say if that if you walk away with one new item from any information, training or seminar you are will to accept new ideas and challengers. Before the course I didn’t think there was anything that I could take away from Triathlon Coaching and apply to Professional work career as an IT Network Manager but I did.

For example saying to little Johnnie, look that was well done but here are some issues/problems that are observed and explain what they are doing wrong and how they could be improved on, then back that up with good effort and well done. Now little Johnnie has been told he has done well, you then tell him where he went wrong but rebuild it back up with the praise he needs to move forward with. So not only do you now have someone who has started out well but may be doing some things wrong but you have given them the tools/comments to go away and improve on and they don’t feel that you are not supportive from their goals or dreams. 
The hard work is ahead now, I need to complete my work book, write a 90 day program and complete a practical assignment with Level 1 or Level 2 coach.  I had already spoken to Sarah one of the coaches at Tri Alliance who will guide me through the final process. The first two parts need to be completed by 1st October.

Soon to be Coaches

My prep for my first Half Marathon is well on track based on my training runs and the average pace I should meet my second goal of sub 2 hours, with the first being to complete a Half Marathon. The build has been slow well structured with rest days mixed in with cross training. I also believe the run program I did with Tony Benson put on by Tri Alliance was well worth the money. Things I have taken away from Tony’s course I have applied and I have noticed a big difference in my running. I feel I run taller, using less energy and breathing better. I’m sure this is an ongoing teaching to myself these skills as well as parting this information onto others as I become a coach.

 A friend of mine, Ellie has offered to act as my pace setter for the event. She is using Run Melbourne as training event for a Full Marathon she is completing in US later in July. While I don’t need a pacer as I have ye-old Mr Garmin it will be good for someone to keep me honest. Tri Alliance has some 45 of us running in the Half and another 20 odd in the 5km / 10km events, so it will be great to see so many TA people out and about.

Ellie asked me recently how I felt about my first Half, while the training has been somewhat boring and hard it didn’t seem to worry me. Seems a strange comment from someone about to do their first Half Marathon, well the shit got real this week when the information, race bib and timing chip arrived. I did have one of those now it’s real moments.
Run Melbourne 2012 Half Marathon Race Pack

The “A” Race while it seems far away but it’s not, saw another piece of the puzzle arrive this week. My bike box! I got Thule Bike Box, I’m happy with it but it does require a little more foam/protection inside the box. A trip up to Clark Rubber to get some more/thinker foam will fix this up quickly. In the next few weeks I will start back in either spin classes and/or wind trainer session at MSAC. While I am getting my Km’s in on the bike on the road I could do with some more + these session are always hot sweaty sessions which will help me cope with Noosa weather later in the year.

Bike Case
Until next time which will be my Run Melbourne Race Report

Sunday, June 17, 2012

What I have been up too?

It’d been a while since I last blogged. So what have I been doing?  Well training hard for my first half marathon it’s now just less than 4 weeks to go until I do my first half marathon at Run Melbourne.

Also being so close to the end of financial year here in Australia work has kept me busy and trying to balance work, training, etc has been hard. In 3 weeks will see me re-focus direction when working commitments back down a little. With Noosa not that far away I need to ramp up my swimming and bike.
Swimming means I need to do at least 2 pool sessions per week, while I love the closeness of Fitness First at Bayside’s Pool it’s just a little small only 20m. By the time you real getting going you’re at the end of the lap and heading back the other way. This means more time and trips up to MSAC.

Bike I need to hit the hills more and build stretch in legs. I hear Noosa has one hell of a hill not bad but enough to make sure that I hit it right. I’ve also made some adjustments to my road bike to make it feel better. So far it seems good; the set matches my TT Bike setup. I also have a set of Tri Bars to put on the road bike which will get done in July.
Running I did test half marathon run and I completed that in 1hr 53mins at 5:40 – 6:00 min per KM, so my first half is looking good. A friend of has also offered to run as my personally pacer 1. To ensure that I finish my first half and 2. complete it in sub 2hrs. In addition I also completed a run program with Tony Benson and I have noticed changes in my running style, speed and strength.

Tri Alliance also completed it’s Time Trials for the new season and I was happy with the results. The ride was a little slower than I would have liked but the weather was wet and I didn’t want to become road kill with a crash. Swim was one of the quickest I have ever done and the run was sub 25mins for 5km.
Personal Training Alana and I have been working on my left glute, seems to be working well. Still need to sort out my QL on the left. Most of my left side seems to bad, my hearing, shoulder, glute, etc. I have been thinking about trying some different types of treatments, from Yoga to Osteo. Stay tuned to that one.

Next weekend see me off at Triathlon Coaching (Level  1). It’s two days of practical as well as class based learning I looking forward to this course. Triathlon’s has given a lot to me over the last few years and I’d like to give something back

Events come up

Confirmed events

Unconfirmed events
Salomon Trial Run
Kinglake Ride

Time  next time which will be my race report from Run Melbourne