Saturday, October 23, 2010

Tri Season 2010/2011 Goals

With the first Tri of the season due to start in just over 2 weeks I thought it might be a good idea to post some goals for the upcoming season.

This year I have registered for the complete Xosize series all 5 races. Last year I did two races and loved it. I completed both races in around 47m 5s. The goal this year is to bet that time and complete all 5 races.  Recently in the Sandy Half Point I smashed my 10km PB by over 3mins. Ok I did injury myself but I got the feeling it was over training and running form.

My girl friend is also keen to try a Tri and we are planing to do a team tri with a race in the Active Feet series.

So what have I learnt in the last 12 months, well I have done countless KM’s in Running, Swimming and Cycling. I am stronger and fast and tomorrow I tune 40.

Bring on the new Tri season and keep following my blog and twitter pages

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